Pemanfaatan Daun Singkong (Manihot utilissima) sebagai Bahan Pembuatan Tempe untuk Meningkatkan Keanekaragaman Produk Makanan Alternatif
tempe, daun singkong, makanan produk bioteknologiAbstract
Tempe is a traditional food that comes primarily from soybeans. However, the supply of soybeans is sometimes inadequate to meet the need for tempe to market, hence alternative material that would replace the soybeans is needed. One of the ingredients that can be used for tempe is the cassava leaf (Manihot utilissima). Cassava leaves contain a nutrient consisting of vitamin a, vitamin b1, vitamin b6, vitamin c, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. Cassava leaves are also easy to find and inexpensive, so everyone is able to easily use them. The research is aimed at figuring out how to make tempe out of cassava leaves, and their organoleptic test results. The research was done by filling up the tempe yeast (Rhizopus oligosporus) on cassava leaves that had been boiled earlier, and storing them within days to see the optimal time for tempe maturity. From the research being done, tempe products from cassava leaves based on organoleptic tests indicate consumption worth. It is hoped that this study will enable people to use cassava leaves as an alternative substitute for soybeans in the manufacture of tempe.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tiara Putri Weldami, Shintia Putri Riski, Indra Myraldi, Yauma Ilban Ali, Resti Fevria, Yuni Ahda

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